Health Services


    Hazel Health Information

Mental Health Services

Please contact the School for referrals to these programs:

Crider Health Center 636-583-1800

National Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse 636-239-7652


Preferred Family Healthcare 636-584-8724


Please contact the agencies directly for the following programs:

ALIVE  636-583-9863

CHADS Coalition  (Communities Healing Adolescent Depression and Suicide) 314-952-8274


Grace’s Place 636-432-1313


NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) 636-940-7440 or


Lutheran Family Services 1-866-326-5327


Catholic Family Services 636-583-1800


Behavioral Health Response (BHR) 1-800-811-4760


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255


American Foundation for Suicide Prevention


St. Clair Ministerial Alliance – contact Pastor Roger Koster 636-259-9100 or Pastor Charles Keith 636-346-1502